Category: Plots and Data

  • HEMS-M CO High Resolution Plot and Data at 400 ppb to 25 ppb

    HEMS-M Carbon Monoxide (CO) High Resolution Plot and Data at 400 ppb to 25 ppb [imagemap id=”20036″] Click on one of the Plot Points in the above graph or one of the links below to view a specific test result chart in the range of 400 ppb to 25 ppb. CO at 400 ppb      CO at…

  • HEMS-M CO2 High Resolution Plot and Data at 1ppm

    HEMS-M CO2 High Resolution Plot and Data at 1ppm [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]   [small_button text=”Download Plot and Data…” title=”Download Plot and Data” url=”” align=”left” target=”_self” style=”light”] [small_button text=”Back to Plot and Data Index” title=”Back to Plot and Data Index” url=”” align=”right” target=”_self” style=”light”]

  • HEMS-M H2S High Resolution Plot and Data at 11ppb

    HEMS-M H2S High Resolution Plot and Data at 11ppb [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]   [small_button text=”Download Plot and Data…” title=”Download Plot and Data” url=”” align=”left” target=”_self” style=”light”] [small_button text=”Back to Plot and Data Index” title=”Back to Plot and Data Index” url=”” align=”right” target=”_self” style=”light”]

  • HEMS-M H2S High Resolution Plot and Data at 7.5ppb

    HEMS-M H2S High Resolution Plot and Data at 7.5ppb [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]   [small_button text=”Download Plot and Data…” title=”Download Plot and Data” url=”” align=”left” target=”_self” style=”light”] [small_button text=”Back to Plot and Data Index” title=”Back to Plot and Data Index” url=”” align=”right” target=”_self” style=”light”]

  • HEMS-M H2S High Resolution Plot and Data at 1.1ppb

    HEMS-M H2S High Resolution Plot and Data at 1.1ppb [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]   [small_button text=”Download Plot and Data…” title=”Download Plot and Data” url=”” align=”left” target=”_self” style=”light”] [small_button text=”Back to Plot and Data Index” title=”Back to Plot and Data Index” url=”” align=”right” target=”_self” style=”light”]